Random resources from my Usenet posts on sci.electronics.design

Sometimes it's useful to add supporting documents, schematics, scope photos, simulations or other things to Usenet posts.  By popular request I've added links to some of these, in no particular order.

How To Read SED: Archive Sites and Newsfeeds

One of the nice things about sci.electronics.design is that it's widely redistributed by archive sites, some of which you can also use for posting, which is good since Google Groups no longer links to Usenet.

Some examples:

Expert Case: Waymo LLC v. Uber Technologies, Inc., et al.

This was a patent and trade secret case concerning lidar (laser radar) technology for self-driving cars and trucks.  It was the biggest case I've worked on, with potential damages over $2 billion, and also one of the most fun.  I was the defendant's expert on the patent side, and we beat Google--they dropped all their patent assertions.  (This was made a lot easier by the fact that Uber wasn't infringing, of course.) 

New Web Site

Thanks to the efforts of our newest member, Simon Hobbs, we have a new web site with a new look and lots of new content, with more to come.  We hope you enjoy it!

EXFO Inc. et al. v Viavi Solutions, Inc.

In this one I was engaged as a testifying expert for the plaintiff in an action for patent infringement in optical time-domain reflectometers (OTDRs) used for testing fibre-optic networks.    As so often happens, the defendant petitioned the Patent Office for an inter partes review of the patents-in-suit, which I also assisted with.    The most unusual feature of this one was the really ferocious protective order covering the defendants' source code--it had to be printed on blue paper, one hard copy only, no soft copy, and kept locked in a steel cabinet at all times when not actively in use.